India can overwhelm but if you come here with a happy outset, travelling in India can be one of the most incredible and fulfilling experience. India is a land of temples. So be prepared to traverse through the landscapes dotted with temples. And since Indians, who are one friendly lot, endorse the idea of guests being the god, also be ready to be treated like one once and be ready to have your photo taken. For the scenes around you through the country, know that you are in for a riot of colours. There is colour all around, and so is chaos and cacophony. So, while you meander through the sea of people make sure you remind yourself that while India may not be the cleanest or the easiest country traverse through, but it sure is one of the peace-loving nations!
The predominant religion is Hinduism at over 78%.
India is home to the world’s largest religious pilgrimage site.
The railway system is vast.
Guest is God.
The people are so genuine & friendly.
Exquisite colour creates eye candy everywhere.
The resourcefulness and ingenuity are mind-blowing.
India is a mostly peaceful nation.
Some of the best food in the world.
Chaos is everywhere.
Personal space is rarely respected.
Almost everyone will try to get your money
You will find yourself being stared at but in most cases, it’s just curiosity or amusement.
Expect to see spitting
Littering and trash are ubiquitous across India.